In move aimed at increasing transparency and avoiding conflict of interest in the functioning of the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), the ministry of corporate affairs on Monday notified rules restricting members of the NCLT from being posted to locations where they have worked as chartered accountants, company secretaries or cost accountants.
The rules also restrict members from being posted to locations where they have been posted in the past two years or where any of their close relatives are working as advocates, chartered accountants, cost accountants or company secretaries.
Benches of the NCLT are located in 12 cities across the country and deal with insolvency cases as well as cases under the Companies Act 2013. The government is also in the process of setting up new benches at Amravati and Indore.
Under clause 15A of the NCLT Amendment Rules, 2019, the initial posting of a member shall be done by the central government in consultation with the President of the NCLT with any subsequent transfers being done by the President alone.
The notification also said that members would not be transferred before completing three years at a location except on administrative grounds in consultation with the central government or on a personal request basis. Further the rules require that members not be posted in a location for longer than three years without sufficient reasons for the same.
Transfer on personal request may be based on considerations such as serious medical grounds, serious dislocation in children’s education and unavoidable family responsibilities according to the notification.
Ankit Singhi, executive director at law firm Corporate Professionals said the move would help avoid conflicts of interest among members of the NCLT.
“These amendments are aimed at bringing more transparency and to avoid conflict of interest in the functioning of the NCLT,” said Singhi.
The ministry of corporate affairs had recently appointed 28 new members to the NCLT and is also set to add more members to deal with the large number of insolvency cases coming before NCLT benches.